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An umbrella organization for math circles (teacher, student, and family) serving the broader Española (and Rio Grande) valley, including (but not limited to) Pojoaque, Abiquiu, Dixon, Taos, and Ohkay Owingeh.

Julia Robinson Mathematics Festivals (JRMF) inspire students to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through activities that encourage collaborative, creative problem-solving.

JRMF's vision is to inspire a life-long curiosity for mathematics by instilling a genuine interest in creative problem-solving from an early age. The Julia Robinson Mathematics Festivals allow young people to develop their talent for mathematics by providing problems, puzzles, and activities that are intriguing and accessible.

MathAmigos Collaborative Working Group
A Santa Fe, NM-centered project to provide community supports for Santa Fe Public School teachers and schools. Math circles are a major part of the MathAmigos program.

Founded in the spring of 2017 and funded by the Santa Fe Community Foundation's Birth 2 Career initiative, the MathAmigos held two spring semester professional development Saturday workshop for grades 4-6 teachers, as well as a Family Power Math Night at Sweeney Elementary School.

James Taylor, of the Math Circles Collaborative of New Mexico, organizes and conducts a Math Circle in Santa Fe for teachers (and others involved in education) in northern New Mexico. The teachers' circle explores mathematics using not only classic Math Circle problems, but also problems brought to the group by members and guest speakers. The participants engage first as students, investigating the problems; then they discuss the opportunities and potential pitfalls that may be encountered in introducing the problems to their own students.

Based on our experience in STEM programs over the past couple of decades, it's clear to us that there's very little M in STEM – with that morsel of math generally being used in service of science or computer science. In most cases, a teacher or mentor just tells the students the math they should use, perhaps with some hand-waving, and they incorporate it into their projects.